Men’s Mental Health

November is not only about raising awareness regarding men’s health and mental issues, but hashtag#November is about helping men navigate those same problems. For some men, the act of asking for help or seeking treatment may be seen as a sign of weakness. However, there is no shame in asking for assistance or seeking professional advice.

This November, let's empower men to build hope, self-efficacy, optimism, and resilience to tackle life’s challenges differently and rebound quickly. Men need to realize they are not alone and there is a community to support them.

If anyone in your network is struggling this November check-in, connect them to community resources, accompany them to an appointment, or listen. Everyone needs support, so let that circle never end. When November ends, remember everyone has the power to lift each other, so always embrace positivity and never give up that tomorrow will be brighter than today. We call that hope.


Storytelling with Data


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